Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu is very grateful to our supporters we have had over the long years!
Throughout the years of founding, building, and activating the Centre for Ethics in 2001–2006, we have been deeply grateful for the invaluable support of the VolkswagenStiftung. With their generous help we were able to support ethics-related research conducted by doctoral students from a range of different disciplines, invite visiting professors, build a library collection in ethics, publish translations of textbooks, organize conferences and seminars, and fi nance research travel for doctoral students. Our sincere thanks to the Foundation’s secretary general, Dr. Wilhelm Krull, and University of Konstanz emeritus professor Jürgen Mittelstraβ, grantholder, for their support and warm cooperation.
Over the years 2001–2009, the scholarship program of the Herbert Quandt-Stiftung at the University of Konstanz has provided support for the Centre for Ethics in a variety of ways. Thanks to stipends from the foundation, several doctoral students associated with the Centre for Ethics have had the opportunity to broaden and deepen their knowledge through a period of study at the University of Konstanz, and to benefit from superb dissertation supervision by University of Konstanz professors. The Centre for Ethics thanks the Rector, the faculty, and the staff of the international relations department of the University of Konstanz for their help and support.
From fall 2002 until fall 2011, the Centre for Ethics has had its home in the rooms of the Foundation for Science and the Liberal Arts Domus Dorpatensis. The Centre for Ethics is grateful for the opportunity to use such excellent rooms in the heart of the city, as well as for the many events we have had the good fortune to organize together. Our warmest gratitude to University of Bonn professor Alexander von Rücker for this opportunity.
We also gratefully acknowledge the benefactors to the Centre of Ethics Library. First, with the generous support of the Volkswagen- Stiftung in 2001–2006, we were able to organize and establish a substantial library collection in the field of ethics.
Our sincere gratitude goes to:
We also thank the financing agencies of all of the Centre for Ethics research and development projects, whose grants have enabled us to acquire books for research, and thus to broaden and build the Centre for Ethics library.