Humanitarian field is also represented at sTARTUp Day

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The discussion game created by experts from the University of Tartu Ethics Centre has made its way to the demo area of sTARTUp Day.

Visitors of the business festival on January 24th-25th will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the discussion game called "Estonian People's Hundred Choices." This game was developed in 2019 and has been refined to the point where it is available for purchase or use in digital format. The game is designed to provide a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere while addressing various everyday and lighthearted questions. The festival's demo area brings together curious attendees and the latest products.

Triin Paaver, the project manager of the discussion game, stated that although the ethics center has created games before, none of them has been as widely accessible to users. "Our next dreams involve the game, which has travelled to South Estonian communities, reaching the saunas of start-up enthusiasts. Scientists aim to create new dilemmas to address even more prominently the current societal issues, such as national defence and cyberbullying," said Paaver. "Schools and kindergartens have long been great friends of discussion games, but there should be more emphasis on values in higher education and the world of research, as well as in other public sector institutions, not to mention the government and the parliament. And, of course, we keep an eye out for angel investors who would be willing to support research and help the game go international," Paaver added.

The development of the paper game, supported by the Ministry of Education and Research, can be attributed to the timely boost received in the form of the University of Tartu's experimental development grant, fruitful cooperation with the spin-off program, and the community-engaging Tartu World University project. While the grant provided experts with the means to play out possible development scenarios and initiate the creation of the digital game, the support of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre (EIK) answered questions related to the game's future. Whether it be defining the smallest possible market or the theoretical possibility of licensing the game to a private enterprise. Tartu World University is a project included in the main program of European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024, led by the University of Tartu Ethics Centre. As part of the project, value discussions have been held at various community events using the game, supporting both communities and the game's spread.

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