International Philosophy Workshop to Be Held in Tartu

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On 1–2 April 2025, the Philosophy Graduate Workshop in Tartu will bring together experienced philosophers from across Europe.

The workshop will feature participants from the University of Tartu, the University of Oxford, Leibniz University Hannover, and the University of Münster. The event will consist of two types of sessions: "Pitches and Coffee" and "Talks and Q&A". The first format includes three 10-minute research pitches, followed by an informal discussion over coffee and refreshments. The second format consists of a 20-minute talk, followed by a 10-minute Q&A session.

The workshop is open to everyone, but attendees are kindly asked to register.

Registration is open until 24 March

The workshop is part of the colloquia series by the Department of Philosophy. In the spring of 2025, the open colloquium will be organised in collaboration with the Department of Philosophy, the Centre for Ethics, Susimetsa Philosophicum. The workshop is supported by the Ministry of Education and Research Centres of Excellence grant TK213 (Estonian Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence (EXAI) and other organisers.

APRIL 1st (Jakobi2-114,Philosophicum)

Arrival, Coffee and opening words
10.00–10.15 Introduction: Margit Sutrop and Alex Davies

Session 1: Pitches and Coffee
10.15–10.25 Anna Golova (University of Oxford), “Mental Illness and the Self-Ambiguity, Authenticity, and Autonomy”
10.25–10.35 Sadaf Ghaffari Zaki (UniversityofTartu) “DID and Personal Identity”
10.35–10.45 Helena Ward (University of Oxford): “What Is an Epistemic PrivacyLoss, and When Does It Amountto a PrivacyInfringement?”
10.45–11.15 Coffee break Session 2: PitchesandCoffee
11.15–11.25 Nikolai Shurakov (University of Tartu): “Borderline Lies: Do LLMs Judge Like Humans?”
11.25–11.35 Maja Mateas (University of Trier): “Plato’s Conception of ’Mimesis’ in the Context of AI Image Generation“
11.35–11.45 Kristi Lõuk (University of Tartu): “Ethical Frameworks of Good Science: RE, RI, and RRI”
11.45–12.15 Coffee and informal discussion

Lunch break
12.15–13.30 Lunch (Jakobi 2-335) and tour at the Philosophy Department/ Ethics Centre Library

13.30–14.00 Eveli Neemre (University of Tartu) “Studying Objectivity Through Practices: How Methods in Animal Research Can Help Assess Objectivity”
14.00–14.10 Break
14.10–14.40 Paul Heller (University of Oxford) “An Objective List Account of Animal Wellbeing”
14.40–14.50 Break
14.50–15.20 Miriana Maio (University of Tartu), “Factive Higher-Order Thought Theory: A New Approach to Animal Self-knowledge”
15.20–15.30 Break
15.30–16.00 Emily Daly (University of Oxford), “Laughter and the Good Life in Plato and Aristotle”

EVENING of April 1st
18.00–21.00 Informal gathering. Playing the values game “Hundred Choices. A Discussion Game about Ethics” (University Café, Ülikooli 20, 2ndfloor)

APRIL 2nd (Tartu University Library, Struve 1, in Room “Kodavere”)

Session 4: Talks and Q&A
10.00–10.30 Merike Reiljan (University of Tartu): “Professional Empathy and Patient-Autonomy: Selecting Effective Empathic Strategies in Healthcare”
10.30–10.40 Break
10.40–11.10 Ozan Altinok (Leibniz University of Hannover) “Epistemic Agency in the-Making of Health-Related Concepts”
11.10–11.20 Break
11.20–11.50 Gareth Hugh Paterson (University of Tartu) “The Mysterious World(s) of Christian August Crusius and the Fate of Departed Souls”
11.50–12.00 Break
12.00–12.30 Jonas Põld (University of Münster/ Hans Albert Institute, Berlin) “Facts and Values in Medicine”
12.30–12.45 Wrap-up session

Lunch break
12.45–13.30 Lunch at the University Libray café Gaudaemus

AFTERNOON of April 2nd
13.30–15.30 Visit to the Estonian National Museum (Muuseumitee 2)

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