Tartu Ülikooli eetikakeskus

Book presentation: Codes of Conduct: Values, Norms and Ethical Dilemmas

University of Tartu, Centre for Ethics invites you to the presentation of the book „Codes of Conduct. Values, Norms and Ethical Dilemmas”.

The book presentation will take place on Wednesday, 14th of June 2017 at 14.00 in the Miller's lounge at the National Library of Estonia (Tõnismägi 2, Tallinn).

The necessity of codes of conducts is very often questioned. We all should have gotten an idea of good and bad or right and wrong from our upbringing. However, more and more organizations have started to agree on and compose their own sets of value principles, which they turn into codes of conduct. Why is it so and in which moments do people turn towards codes of conduct for help? These are the questions we try to find answers to. The head of the Centre for Ethics prof Margit Sutrop gives an overview what was the reason to write this book on codes of conduct and what can you find from there.

They keynote speaker is prof Elisabeth Hildt from the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago who talks about codes of conducts in USA.

On a panel discussion with experts and users of codes of conducts, the necessity of codes of conducts will be discussed as well as the challenges that one may face in the process of composing a code of conduct. The participants are: Heiki Sibul, Agris Peedu, Priit Hõbemägi and Steven Hristo Evestus. The discussion will be moderated by the profession-ethics expert Aive Pevkur.

Everyone who are interested are welcome to participate! For participation, please register by 12th of June. The event is mostly in Estonian.



14:00–14.15 Introduction, prof Margit Sutrop, Head of the Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu

14:15–15:00 Codes of ethics and ethical guidelines in digital data management, prof Elisabeth Hildt, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago

15:00–16.15 Panel discussion Codes of Conduct: how to compose and implement them? Chair: Aive Pevkur

Participants: Heiki Sibul, Head of the Estonian Internet Foundation, Agris Peedu, the Chairman of the Board of the North Estonia Medical Centre Foundation, Priit Hõbemägi, editor at Eesti Ekspress, Steven-Hristo Evestus, Chief State prosecutor at the Office of the Prosecutor General

16.15-16.30 coffee break

16.30-17:00 book presentation

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