Book presentation Contemplating Estonia - Upholding Common Values

On 20th of February at 14:00 a new book Contemplating <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Estonia - Upholding Common Values will be presented at Domus Dorpatensis. The book is published by the Centre for Ethics in February, 2009. The book was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Estonia, which was celebrated in 2008. The book was published in the course of the national values program “Value Development in the Estonian Society 2009-2013”. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

The book includes presentations from two conferences.“Contemplating Estonia: Values and Choices” was held on 6th of February, 2007 and its purpose was to map the values of Estonians and discuss the questions of nationalism, integration, identity and values development. The conference “Upholding Common Values” was held on 26th of September, 2008 and it continued and developed the discussion of the previous conference concentrating on national values and values in education. In the conference, the Estonian Minister of Education Mr Tõnis Lukas announced the discussion of the national values program “Value Development in the Estonian Society 2009-2013”.

The program manager of „E-Democracy” Liia Hänni and the head of the Centre for Ethics prof. Margit Sutrop will both give a short talk.

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