Book presentation Nationalism and Patriotism: Selection of Contemporary Philosophical Key Texts

On 20th of May at 16:00 a new book Nationalism and Patriotism: Selection of Contemporary Philosophical Key Texts will be presented at Domus Dorpatensis. The book is published in the course of the preparatory work of the national values program “Value Development in the Estonian Society 2009-2013”. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

The purpose of the book is to introduce the notions of patriotism and nationalism as understood in the Western Countries, and the debate between different concepts of patriotism and nationalism. The debate is a new experience for the Estonians who mostly do not consider patriotism and nationalism problematic concepts. It is important to know the international debate in order to clarify Estonian identity and help to understand what it means to be an Estonian in the multicultural world.

The book consists of 10 key texts in contemporary political philosophy, which are translated into Estonian. Among them are the articles of such outstanding contemporary theorists as Alasdair MacIntyre, Stephen Nathanson, Attracta Ingram, Margaret Canovan, Roger Scruton, David Miller, Yael Tamir, Will Kymlicka and Francis Fukuyama.

The compiler dr. Eva Piirimäe will give a short talk on the birth story of the book and also dr. Anu Realo will talk about the national character of Estonians.

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