Centre for Ethics and Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology invite you to professor Roger Brownsword's public lecture „Big Biobanks: Three Major Governance Challenges“. Professor Brownsword is chairman of the UK Biobank Ethics and Governance Council and a professor of law in King’s College London.
Lecture takes place on Thursday 3rd of April 2014, @12:15, Riia 23-16
Everyone is welcome but please register eetikakeskus [ät] ut.ee" moz-do-not-send="true">eetikakeskus [ät] ut.ee by 02.04.
More information:
Centre for Ethics
Project manager Kristi Lõuk
kristi.louk [ät] ut.ee" moz-do-not-send="true">kristi.louk [ät] ut.ee