The Centre for Ethics invites schools and kindergartens to participate in a recognition programme

Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu (CEUT) opens recognition programmes “Good School as Values-based School” and “Good Kindergarten as Values-based kindergarten”. In this programme, schools and kindergarten can apply for a good school or a good kindergarten quality badge.

The purpose of the recognition programme is to develop skills for evidence-based self-analysis, to support values development in education, and to acknowledge the good work already done in kindergartens and schools. The programme was previously known as a ‘competition’. “We gave up the term ‘competition’, because it was out-dated and did not express the essence of the analysis process,” explained Nele Punnar, project manager for good school and good kindergarten projects at the CEUT. She also pointed out that this year, the programme for schools and kindergartens are arranged separately, at different times: “It is very important, that both kindergartens and schools receive equal support and attention.”

Margery Lilienthal, the headmistress of kindergarten “Võsukese” which obtained the Preschool of Value Education 2018 award, said that the programme was eye-opening: “Our staff members, parents and our community got a thorough analysis, why we do what we do at our kindergarten.” She added that it is very important that the teaching staff would work in unison: you can write self-analysis only when it is teamwork, not only the leaders vision.

Erli Aasamets, the headmaster of School of Value Education 2018 Kilingi-Nõmme Gymnasium, said that participating in the programme answered what is valuable for their school. “By writing a self-analysis we discovered our aptness, amazing team, openness and cooperation,” described Aasamets.

“Thanks to the recognition programme, we have an open, friendly and supportive school family,” thought Annely Ajaots, the headmistress of Nissi Basic School, second receiver of School of Value Education 2018 award. She adds that the Good School collaboration network is a great way to learn new things and share your schools’ experience.

Critical Friends of the CEUT and the good school project managers will assist the participants in the recognition programme. Comprehensive participation guidelines have been prepared for schools and kindergartens that have previously participated in the recognition programme and for newcomers as well.

Every school and kindergarten is supported and acknowledged in this process. The badges to be issued can be found in Ethicsweb. More information about the writing process and programme deadlines, please visit good school and good kindergarten homepages (in Estonian).

The Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu has supported and recognised values based activities in kindergartens and schools since 2009. Previously known as the Good School competition, the self-analysis programme helps the participants to find their strength, peculiarities, development opportunities and –focuses. 80 schools and 89 kindergartens all over Estonia have participated in the programme in 2009–2018. The highest recognition, the School or Kindergarten of Value Education has been awarded to 14 schools and 13 kindergartens.

Additional information:

Nele Punnar, project manager at the Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu, tel: +372 538 48320, nele.punnar [ät]

The programme is funded by the National Programme “Values Development in Estonian Society 2009–2013” for the years 2015–2020, funded by the Ministry of Education and Research.

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