Code of Conduct for Research Integrity awaits final suggestions for improvement

The Estonian “Code of Conduct for Research Integrity” is now available for public discussion and Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu is awaiting feedback for it until 1st of October.

The Estonian “Code of Conduct for Research Integrity” has been created as a framework document applying to the entire Estonian research. On the basis of this document, research institutions will later agree on how to implement it; how to raise awareness about its principles; how to monitor the working environment; and how to intervene or deal with the cases of potential misconduct.

The draft version of Estonian “Code of Conduct for Research Integrity” was first introduced at the international conference “Researching with Integrity” (10.02.2017) in Tartu. Based on the feedback that was collected, the code of conduct has since been greatly changed and complemented.

You can send your feedback about the current version of the document by the 1st of October 2017 to

The full text is available in English
Or in Estonian

The Estonian Research Council formed a workgroup back in the beginning of 2016 to put together the Code of Conduct for Research Integrity. The workgroup consisted of the representatives from the Ministry of Education and Research, Estonian Research Council, Estonian Academy of Sciences and other scientific institutions. The leading role of this process was entrusted to the University of Tartu, Centre for Ethics, who had previously started composing a similar code for the University of Tartu, on account of which those two initiatives were combined.

Additional information:

prof Margit Sutrop (

Katrin Velbaum (, +372 5519184)

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