Colloquium „Euthanasia – Choosing between life and quality of life"

UT Centre for Ethics (Ülikooli 7, II floor), 10th Mach 2010 at 16.00<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Euthanasia or mercy death is not only a medical question, it is also a philosophical and religious issue. World Medical Association’s resolution declares that practicing euthanasia by medical doctors is unethical and inconsistent with the purpose of medical practice. But if hopelessly ill and suffering patient wishes to end their life, does the doctor have the right to help them die?

Do humans have the right to decide over their own death? When is the society ready to legalize euthanasia? When can we be sure that the doctors are trustworthy enough? How is it possible to make sure that no one abuses legalized euthanasia?

Debating the issue: dr. Peeter Mardna and prof. Jaan Sootak.

Peeter Mardna is works in the Eesti Tervishoiuamet and Jaan Sootak is a professor of criminal law. Moderating the discussion is philosophy PhD student Aive Pevkur

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