As a part of a shared project, the Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu, and the Estonian Refugee Council are developing exciting educational videos that are addressed to kindergarten teachers and focus on the issues of multiculturalism. The videos will become available for kindergarten teachers in May.
The educational videos demonstrate methods and tricks that are used in seven Estonian kindergartens in order to organise and support education of children with different cultural backgrounds. The aim of the project is to use the videos in order to improve the readiness of Estonian kindergarten teachers to receive children with migration backgrounds and to create for them an educational environment that is physically and emotionally safe, multicultural and multifaith, and takes into account the child’s individual needs.
The educational videos were filmed in the kindergartens that belong to the educational network run as a part of the project by the Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu, and the Estonian Refugee Council. Children with various migration backgrounds are already attending these kindergartens.
The project „An Open Beginning: Preparing Kindergartens for Receiving Children with Migration or Refugee Background and Supporting the Creation of a Culturally and Religiously Diverse and Tolerant Study Environment” is realised by the Estonian Refugee Council and the Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu, in cooperation with the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research and the Innove Foundation and funded from the development cooperation funds of the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.