High level workshop: “Ethical and Policy Implications of Global Mobility and Security”

Brussels, Berlaymont Building, Room Schuman, 25–26 March 2010.

The Centre for Ethics in collaboration with the European Commission organizes a high level workshop on “Ethical and Policy Implications of Global Mobility and Security” which takes place in Berlaymont Building, Brussels, on 25–26 March 2010.

The workshop will examine the opportunities and challenges that information and communication technologies (including biometrics) provide for the mobility of people and information. The workshop will focus on: governance and policy‐making processes regarding identity management systems; the multifaceted prism of fundamental rights to privacy and security in relation to the implementation of biometrics, body scanners and other detection technologies; and cyber security of critical information infrastructures. According to the words of prof. Margit Sutrop, the organizer of the workshop and the Head of the Centre for Ethics, the difficulty lies in finding the balance between two important values – security and privacy. During the workshop a Policy Report on “Whole Body Imaging Technology in European Airports: the Ethical and Policy Context” will be presented.

The conference brings together top specialists from 21 countries. Political experts, scientists, specialists in data protection, representatives of different enterprises and also of the third sector from most of the European countries, USA, Israel, India, China and Taiwan take part in the workshop. One of the key speakers is Mr Siim Kallas (Vice-President of the European Commission and Transport Commissioner). Other speakers include Mr Jaak Aaviksoo (Estonian Minister of Defense), Mr Peter Hustinx (European Data Protection Supervisor), Prof. François M. H. Géré (Director of the French Institute for Strategic Analysis), Mr Margaritis Schinas (Principal Advisor of the Bureau of European Policy Advisors) and others.

The RISE project aims to provide an open, international forum to discuss ethical, privacy and social issues raised by biometrics and security technologies. RISE aims to complement bilateral and multilateral forums sponsored at governmental level. In particular, the project aims to deepen, enlarge, and ensure continuity to international dialogue already initiated by the international conferences on ethics and biometrics. The Coordinator of the project is prof. Emilio Mordini (Centre for Science, Society and Citizenship, Rome). The Centre for Ethics of the University of Tartu is one of the 10 partners of the project. Webpage of the project.

Programme of the workshop

Contact person: prof. Margit Sutrop, the Head of the Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu, Estonia. E-mail: Margit.Sutrop [at] ut.ee

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