Seminar "Why and from whom do we need to protect personal data?"

International seminar

"Why and from whom do we need to protect personal data? The causes and consequences of the EU data protection reform"

7th of June at 4.00 pm in Tartu at the Philosophicum (Jakobi 2-114)

In 2017 Estonian universities, research institutions, the Estonian Research Council and the Ministry of Education and Research signed the Estonian Code of Conduct for Research Integrity Agreement to follow values and principles of action stated in that document. The Code of Conduct requires a researcher to comply with the principles and regulations of personal data protection. It also stipulates that those involved in the study should be treated with respect and care and researchers should protect the subjects' autonomy and privacy by asking the informed consent for processing personal data and maintaining personal information only as long as necessary.

What should the researcher do if he/she needs large amounts of personal data, processing of which threatens the privacy of the persons involved in the research? What do researchers need to consider now when the European Union's new EU General Data Protection Regulation has come into force on the 25th of May 2018? What debates took place in the European Parliament before its adoption in April 2016?

These are the questions we are going to tackle at the international seminar “Why and from whom do we need to protect personal data?”. The seminar is organized by the Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu and will take place on the 7th of June at 4.00–7.00 pm at the Philosophicum (Jakobi 2-114). The Centre for Ethics is a partner in Horizon 2020 project PRINTEGER (Promoting Integrity as an Integral Dimension of Excellence in Research), which mission is to enhance research integrity.

Talks about GDPR will be presented by the advisor to the European Research Council Tobias Schulte in den Baeumen and Prof. Marju Lauristin, who was the member of the European Parliament during the preparation of the data protection reform.

Everyone is welcome! The seminar is in English.

Registration closed!

Programme of the seminar:

16.00–16.30 “Research integrity and the protection of privacy and personal data”, Prof. Margit Sutrop (Head of the Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu)

16.30–17.30 "Research under the GDPR: paradigm shift or business as usual?", Tobias Schulte in den Baeumen (Adviser to the European Research Council Executive Agency and the Innovative Medicine Initiative and Corporate Data Protection Officer of Hapag-Lloyd AG / Hamburg)

17.30–17.45 Coffee break

17.45–18.30 “Why do we need GDPR?“, Prof. Marju Lauristin (Professor of Social Communication at the University of Tartu, former member of the European Parliament)

18.30–19.00 Final discussion led by Prof. Margit Sutrop

The seminar is supported by the European Regional Development Fund (University of Tartu ASTRA Project PER ASPERA). Also by the EC project PRINTEGER (Promoting Integrity as an Integral Dimension of Excellence in Research), which has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 665926 and University of Tartu development fund.

Further information: Katrin Velbaum, Project Manager at the Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu, katrin.velbaum [ät], +372 551 9184

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